Avista Marketing & Advertising Consultancy



About Us

Kohan Avista Consaltancy Group

We with advertising will change the economic equation


Market research, consumer behavior

Market research, consumer behavior

Designed marketing and promotional campaigns

Designed marketing and promotional campaigns

Planning, budgeting and media bookings

Marketing and sales force training

Web Design Studio

Graphic Design Studio

Direct Marketing

Sampling projects, awareness projects

Kohan Avista Consaltancy Group from late 1387 with the idea of marketing services by looking at the ads began. The group consists of team management and planning, graphic design, web design, market research and direct marketing

Avista Important Work

Consumer reviews, choosing the right target group, using creative media to target


Kohan Avista

  • Unit 6, 3rd Floor, Iranian Trade, Taheri St.
  • Afriqa Blvg. ,Tehran     19669-44799 Iran
  • Tel : +98 (21) 26212481
  • Fax: +98 (21) 26212483
  • office@avista.ir

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